- Growing of Crops
- Rearing of Livestock
- Salving of Farm Produce
- Rearing of Fish (fishery)
- Horticulture
- Rearing of Snail/Heliculture
- Apiculture/Bee Keeping
Forms of Agricultural Activities in the Communities
Agricultural activities is any activity directly related to the production or processing of crops or livestock.
The followings are forms of agricultural activities in the communities that different people involve in:
- Cultivation and growing of crops
- Rearing of livestock
- Rearing of fish (fishery)
- Salving of farm produce
- Horticulture
- Rearing of snail/Heliculture
- Apiculture/bee keeping
Crop Farming
This involves the production of different kinds of crop plants useful to man and animals. Crop plants are either called food or arable crops and cash crops. Crops that are eaten by man either cooked or raw are referred to as food crops e.g. cassava, yam, vegetable, potatoes, bean, cowpea, soya bean, maize, guinea corn etc. Crops cultivated with the aim of selling them either to our local industries or for export is called cash crops e.g cocoa, cotton, groundnut, oil palm, timber, coffee, etc.
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