Outer Structure of the earth

  • Major Spheres of the Earth
  • Relationship between the Three Major Spheres
  • Relevance to Human Activities

Inner Structure of the earth


The Structure of the Earth

The structure of the earth is grouped into the outer structure and the internal structure of the earth. The outer structures of the earth consist of four zones or layers. Three are made up of physical constituents, which consist of the three different states of matter; which are solid, liquid and gaseous substances. While the fourth which is made up of the Biological constituents, consist of living organisms.

The External Structure of the Earth

These outer structures of the earth includes: 

(i) The Atmosphere

(ii) The Lithosphere

(iii) The Hydrosphere and

(iv) The Biosphere


The Earth's Structure - The Relationship between the Major Spheres of the Earth

The Relationship between the Major Spheres of the Earth

The lithosphere which is the solid part of the earth is where all living organisms including man lives and survive; though not without the support of the other two spheres (Hydrosphere and Atmosphere).

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