- Components of the Solar System
- Classification of Planets
- The Sun
- The Nine Planets and their Characteristics
- The Earth – Size, Shape and Position in Relation to the Sun and Other Planets
- Evidence/Proofs to Show that the Earth is Spherical
Components of the Solar System
The Solar System
The solar system consists of the sun and the nine planets with their satellites. The sun is at the centre of the planets and all other planets revolve around it on elliptical orbits. The nine planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
The path followed by each of these planets around the sun is called ORBIT. A smaller body which moves around a planet is called SATELLITE.
The Solar System
Classification of Planets
The planets themselves can be grouped into two:
1. Terrestrial Planets
They are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
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