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Effects of Negative Behaviour on Society

Negative behavior has its effects on the society, this includes the following:

  1. Value disorientation
  2. Inefficiency
  3. High crime rate
  4. Low investment and slow development
  5. Social insecurity


Promoting Positive Behavioural Changes

The following will promote positive behavioral changes in any society.

  1. Provision of enabling environment.
  2. Sound education for all.
  3. Massive enlightenment campaign.
  4. Leadership by example.
  5. Good positive societal values.


Provision of enabling environment: Government should make laws that will provide security for life and property and dispense justice on those that engage in crimes and criminal acts.

Sound education for all: Education provided at all levels for both youth and adults who will in turn transform the environment for better.

Massive enlightenment campaign: The use of mass media like radio, television, newspaper and other agent of socialization such as the family, church and voluntary organization will educate, inform and inspire the members on the positive behavioral changes in the society.

Lesson tags: Civic Education Lesson Notes, Civic Education Objective Questions, JSS3 Civic Education, JSS3 Civic Education Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Civic Education Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Civic Education First Term, JSS3 Civic Education Objective Questions, JSS3 Civic Education Objective Questions First Term
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