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Steps for the Protection of Human Rights

A just and egalitarian society is where the rights of citizens are properly guarded and protected, where the rule of law is upheld.

The appropriate steps that guarantee the protection of a citizen’s right are….

1. The constitution: Although the right of citizen predates the existence of the constitution, it is the constitution that declares the rights of the citizens legally. The constitution spells out clearly that fundamentals rights of the citizens are inalienable.

2. Independence of the judiciary: The judiciary is referred to as the last hope of the common man. This is where citizens can seek redress when their rights are infringed upon. Anybody whose right is violated should go to court for justice.


3. Respect for the rule of law: The rule of law is a maxim which advocates the supremacy of the LAW. When dealing with citizens individually and as a group, the rule of law connotes equality, justices, liberty and respect for the law of the land.

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