- Air flow
- Aerodynamics
- Hydraulic and Pneumatic Machines
- Description and Components of Some Examples of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Devices
- Principle behind the Working of Pneumatic Devices
- Uses of Hydraulic Devices
- Uses of Pneumatic Devices
- Advantages of Pneumatic Devices
- Advantages of Hydraulic Devices
Definition of Air Flow
This refers to air molecules in motion. Flow is an exclusive property of all fluids (liquids and gases). However unlike liquids, air does not necessarily need a channel or container for it to flow. Breeze/wind is formed when molecules of air are set in motion. Molecules of air can be set in motion by any of the following processes:
(i) Blowing air
(ii) Using the bellows (often used by blacksmiths)
(iii) Using pumps
(iv) Using fan
When liquids flow through channels, agents such as gravity or a mechanical device is necessary to sustain the flow. Liquid (water) flow could either be laminar (streamlined) or turbulent.
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