Meaning of Integrity

Integrity is the quality of being honest and firm in one’s moral principles. It is the ability to do what is right in spite of all odds. A man of integrity stands firmly on what he believes is right and he will never change for any reason.


Attributes of Integrity

  1. PROBITY: Probity refers to the quality of being completely honest in all human endeavours. A man of integrity is transparent and accountable for whatever task that is committed to him to do.
  2. HONESTY: Honesty is the quality of being truthful, sincere and straightforward in one’s dealings with others. An honest person does not deceive, cheat, steal or hide vital facts from people that need them.
  3. NON-COMPROMISE OF PRINCIPLE: This is a situation where a person’s principles or stands cannot be easily influenced with money or material objects. A man of integrity would never compromise whatever stand he is taking no matter the situation or the people involved.
  4. TRUTHFULNESS: This is to the quality of telling the truth and standing by the truth at all times.

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