Examination makes high demands on learners especially when competitive. The apprehension and sometimes restlessness it triggers could degenerate into chronic stress. To maximize output and minimize stress level, while taking care of one’s emotional health, learners must take the following into consideration before and during exam preparations.

Timely Preparations

General Colin Powell believes that “there are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation.” Lack of genuine and timely preparations before taking an examination is the offshoot of anxiety, guilt and panic attacks. The mind gets to be stable when the guilt of not doing well what’s worth doing at all, is driven out by the satisfaction of timely preparations.

It is going to do you a lot of good when you try to prepare before time. Preparation for examination should start many weeks before its commencement and it should get more intense few weeks to examination. Being prepared gives one that emotional stability which exudes confidence in the face of whatever examination.

Practice Time Management

To live a productive life, one must be able to manage his or her time. During examination preparations, draw a timetable which helps incorporate all of your study plan and rest time too. The role of enough sleep and rest cannot be overemphasized in the place of focus and productivity. It is a chain reaction; rest well and experience its efficacy in your study work. Adhere strictly to your timetable.

Eat Brain Foods

There are foods that can help boost the functions of your brain: they aid focus, sustain memory and help in the maintenance of a healthy brain. Curry for example, contains “tumeric” which helps boost ones memory. The whole grains which contains glucose, nuts and seeds, are very good sources of Vitamin E and the avocado, provide the brain with the needed chemicals to ensure its maximum productivity. This goes a long way in ensuring an effective study that is based on comprehension and a properly managed time.


It is advisable that after intense study and preparations, that you meet your mates writing similar exam for a brainstorming session. This session creates a conducive environment for learners to generate better ideas and it could also trigger hormones which reduces stress since the singular act of a face to face communication is helpful in one’s emotional health. As members of a group bring their perspective and generate better ideas, inhibitions are taken care of and learners feel more confident to face the examination.


As a Christian, I cannot stress enough the need of prayers in all of man’s affairs. Even as the physical has been taken care of through intense study and preparations, the spiritual shouldn’t be left lying low. Talk to God as regards your exams by reiterating his promises in John 14:26b.

From personal experience, praying and having a heart to heart conversation with God has a ripple effect on my confidence since I’m able to trust and hold desperately to the rays of hope I’ve created by that communication. It is soothing to me and has helped me in disbanding my fears for a particular situation. It is my coping mechanism in a world full of chaos and mysteries. This could be an effective stress management technique for you too.

Having done all this, I’m wishing you a stress free preparation for your examination. Go and conquer…much love.

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