- Features of Military Rule in Nigeria
- Causes of Military Rule in Nigeria or Reasons for Military Intervention in Nigeria Politics
Features of Military Rule in Nigeria
The features of military rule in Nigeria include the following:
- The suspension and modification of some section of constitution to be in line with the military rule.
- Dictatorial form of government.
- A highly centralized system of government
- Rule with decrees.
- Absence of all forms of opposition.
- Fusion of the legislative and the executive arms of government.
- Inclusion of civilians in the administration.
- The use of coercion in the implementation of policies.
- Absence of elections.
- Closure of the country borders, seas and airports when military first come to power.
- Imposition of dusk to dawn curfew whenever the military take over power in a country.
Causes of Military Rule in Nigeria or Reasons for Military Intervention in Nigeria Politics
Since Nigeria became independent on October 1, 1960 till date, she had five successful military coup and avalanche of unsuccessful ones.
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